Updates to my privacy policy

Today the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes enforceable. This regulation governs how companies and websites may process and store personal data, and your rights as a user to your own personal data.

I’ve now updated my privacy policy to be compliant with the GDPR. It should now be clearer and more precisely spell out what sort of data my website may collect, what I do, and don’t do, with it, and the control you have over the permission you give me to do so and what happens to it after it’s been collected and/or stored. Hopefully it hasn’t become too wordy as a result!

I encourage you to take a couple of minutes to peruse it. Let me know in the comments here if there’s anything you’d like clarified or I might have missed.

I know I haven’t posted since the end of March (and the end of the last annual MVP renewal cycle), but I’m still actively contributing to Stack Overflow and tweeting, and I do indeed have exciting new stuff in the works.

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